When is best to mow and fertilise a new lawn?


Knowing when you should be mowing and fertilising a new lawn can be tricky especially with excessive summer growth making it appear that your grass is well established. We are going to explore further into the best timings for our new grass to help it reach is full potential.

When should I mow a new lawn

Whether you have over-seeded an existing lawn or have completely sown a new lawn, the urge to give it its first cut once it starts to grow is strong! This is often due to the fact that the grass appears to have grown fast however, if you were to look from overhead, you would notice that certain areas may be taking a little longer to grow.

It is recommended that you wait a full 6-8 weeks before considering to mow your lawn. At this point your lawn should be established and have a uniform height of around 5-7cm ready for its first cut.

What is the best setting to have my lawnmower on?

When it is time for your new lawn's first cut, it is vital that you have your mower on the right setting. On the first cut you should have the mower on the highest setting possible. For every cut after this, you should lower the height to the recommended cutting height of your grass seed.

When should I fertilise a new lawn?

When your new grass begins to grow, it will be green and lush and will most likely stay this way for the first couple of months of its life. It is important to remember, however, that grass is a living thing and requires nutrients to maintain its best appearance. 

Having a regular fertilising routine is key to keeping your lawn looking its best as well as protected from the different challenges each season bring.

  • You are able to apply our A1 Lawn Ultimate Spring Summer Lawn Fertiliser from when the grass is 6-8 weeks old.
  • Ensure you mow the lawn BEFORE applying your fertiliser as this will help make it easier to see where you are spreading the product
  • Water in any fertiliser if there is no rain forecast as if left, the fertiliser can scorch your grass
  • Do not use feed, weed and moss killer products until your lawn is at least 6 months old 

Still wanting further advice on mowing and fertilising your new lawn? Contact one of our advisors and they will be able to give you the help you need.

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